Tag Archives: not not fun

Music moment: Samantha Glass, “Midnight Arrival”


Right now so tired that my head is pretty much bobbing up and down like those nodding dogs. MY fault for staying up late drinking last night, when i should have been a sensible chap and gotten to bed early. So now I’m reaping the sleepy whirlwind.

But as per usual things are picking up before Xmas at a pace where I’m finding it hard to keep track of things and events. I need to start some reviews, sort out a load of lists, write my final musings on someone who I think is my man of the year. Also have to finish the present shopping, be a normal person, and at the end of it all try to keep it al together.

but on the plus side, I have been listening to these mesmerizing pieces of music from the enigmatic SAMANTHA GLASS (aka Beau Deveraux). Released on the Not Not Fun label i hearing a rather trippy blend of electronic growling bass guitar, drum machines, and slightly radiophonic keyboard sounds and effects. Hauntological Krautrock. It’s messing with my waking dreams this one.


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Posted by on December 13, 2012 in music


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